Does a trick a day keep the doctor away?

An apple sits in a fruit bowl. The neighboring oranges are peeled and devoured, but the apple remains. It isn’t until the apple is sliced by the blade of a knife, that it can succumb to the same fate as its fellow fruit bowlers. Strange. We tear apart oranges with our hands, but why not do the same with our apples? Well, now you can. Follow the steps below and learn how to rip an apple in half with your bare hands.

What do you need? 1 ripe apple

Humans, even those who lift weights for a living, are simply not strong enough to grab ahold of an apple and rip it apart. But, what if there was a way to do it anyway. Breaking an apple doesn’t require years of religious grip strength training, rather, the name of the game is technique. Proceed to the steps below and defy your bodily limitations.

Step 1: Rub the thumb

Remove the stem and place the base of your thumbs and the fleshy part of your palms directly on the top of the apple. Curl the rest of your fingers around the fruit and rest them on its base.

Step 2: Grip and rip

With your hands, squeeze hard and let your thumbs roll outward. This rolling is the force that will split the apple open. You will feel the ripping force increase as your grip tightens. As you grip harder, the apple will break in half!

So can a trick a day keep the doctor away? Well, maybe just this one. So, pick up an apple, rip it open, give it a taste, and put your doctor out of a job.
